Retain, Repair, Reinvest: Ascot Vale Estate Volume 1

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“Being surrounded by a community that shares the joys and sorrows is more than just comforting. It is an inclusiveness that only comes from living amongst the same folk for years. On an estate there is a certainty that these good people will still be here tomorrow. ”

– Clare Hanson

Retain, Repair, Reinvest: Ascot Vale Estate Volume 1


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This book is the first in a series of three books about the proposed demolition of public housing, the people who live in these estates, and the environmental, social and economic case for retaining these sites. This first publication features Ascot Vale Estate in Melbourne. Featuring interviews with residents, photos of the estate by architectural photographer Ben Hosking, & commissioned essays and interviews with academics, an architect and economist about the value of public housing. In a time where all 44 high-rise towers in Melbourne are set to be demolished, displacing 10,000 residents, this book will help to tell the story of the environmental, social and economic cost of this destruction - and highlight the opportunities for investing in the public housing assets we already have.The book expands on the Retain, Repair, Reinvest feasibility and design proposal for the estate by non-for-profit architecture and design firm OFFICE.


Clare Hanson, Paul Karakusevic, Richard Denniss, Libby Porter, David Kelly, Priya Kunjan

Publication Date
December 2024

Miriam McGarry, Tom Muratore


