Kiffy Rubbo: Curating the 1970s
Jon Campbell (Uplands)
Lisa Radford,
Jarrod Rawlins
The Infinity Machine: Mike Parr's Performance Art 1971-2005
Dr Edward Scheer
Rene Magritte: The Fifth Season
Justine Youssef – Somewhat Eternal
Institute of Modern Art
Roy Jackson: Hands On
Drill Hall Publishing
Cut & Pinned
Louise Saxton
Sally Gabori: A survey exhibition of paintings 2005-2012
Drill Hall Publishing
John Nixon: Four Decades, Five Hundred Prints
Geelong Gallery
Un-titled: Elizabeth Newman
Drill Hall Publishing
Idris Murphy: Backblocks
Drill Hall Publishing
Savanhdary Vongpoothorn: All that Arises
Drill Hall Publishing
Emma Beer: Zooper Dooper
Drill Hall Publishing
James Drinkwater: At mid-career
Drill Hall Publishing
Yhonnie Scarce: The Light of Day
Yhonnie Scarce
Victory over Death: The Art of Colin McCahon
Rex Butler,
Laurence Simmons